About my Twin Sister!
How could one of the fist posts not be about her…? Here is a picture of my lovely little twin doing some excellent wedding work from a few years back,Oonagh helped me build up my business when we joined forces in 2007.
She has been invaluable to me in every way, her strength and work ethic is second to none and not to mention her artistic Flair!!
Last year she moved to England as her children had all moved away, she followed her heart and took off to England to start a new life.
When you have a twin like mine it’s like having an extra part of yourself with extra good stuff!
I recently went to see her and we spent 5 days just having “twintime” and it’s like recharging your batteries for both of us, we just did twin things and laughed and laughed also took loads of selfies!
We still count on each other for each others invaluable help in our respective businesses/ problems/ lives
When you are as close as we are distance is nothing at all.
Wishing you all a Happy Easter!
See you next week!