Florium Easter Window is set!
Hello Everybody,
Here’s our new spring/ Easter window.
It’s turned out to be quite quirky and different to our usual chicks and eggs Easter Theme we decided to add a nod to Alice and wonderland with some oversized items and playing cards … hope you like it!
We aim to catch the eye and uplift the somber mood of the moment with no one really knowing what’s going on and confusion being ever present in our lives just now.
We have closed our shop for the time being but I’m going to keep posting beautiful flowers for your enjoyment and hopefully lift your spirits.
We don’t know how this is going to pan out for the many small businesses and employees that are just trying to get our heads round it all.
On the plus side ( because there’s always a plus side in every bad situation) just think our poor planet is breathing!
Stay safe everyone!
Big love,
In 2005 I opened FLORIUM in Pueblo Nuevo, Sotogrande. The vision was to provide something more than just a flower shop.
I dare you all to come visit the BEST flower shop in Costa del Sol.